Maizer 55,  Alforosiya Street
Doha – State of Qatar

Neutradex , 1Lit1


NEUTRADEX is an original, palatable muscle recovery supplement, mild diuretic and urinary buffer for horses. It contains sodium acid citrate to:

Help horses prone to ‘tying up’ and assist with reducing muscle stiffness and soreness
Help delay the onset of muscle fatigue to improve endurance
Encourage horses to drink, helping to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance to maintain kidney and bladder function in performance horses

High performance athletes in hard training
Horses with a history of ‘tying up’
Rehydration after exertion in conjunction with a balanced electrolyte
Helping to flush toxins and waste products after hard exercise and hence maintain kidney, bladder and urinary tract function
Young, nervous and heavily muscled horses in work

6 in stock

The maximum number of product requests is 5 of each product.

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Scientifically balanced formulation for race recovery, tying up and hard exercise
Neutralises damaging acid build-up – NEUTRADEX contains sodium acid citrate, a natural bicarbonate precursor to increase the body’s natural stores and actively helps neutralise lactic acid before it causes damage.
Improves hydration, appetite and overall recovery after hard exercise
Replaces essential sodium salts lost in sweat


Each 28 mL dose contains:

Sodium acid citrate 7.93 g

Horses (450 – 500 kg): 28 mL of NEUTRADEX added to the feed daily. Following hard or fast work or racing, give 50 mL NEUTRADEX orally (by syringe over the back of the tongue). Horses suffering from dehydration need a supplementary daily ration of electrolytes.

NEUTRADEX can be safely used with balanced electrolyte supplements based on the particular work program.

HUMIDIMIX® – use daily for heavy sweaters such as trotters, pacers, endurance horses and eventers.
RECHARGE® – apple flavoured “sports drink” for rapid post-work replenishment at a dose of 40 – 80 mL over the tongue for immediate response. It has a similar composition to horse sweat and contains glucose for energy replacement. Make sure the horse has access to fresh water.
To Help Prevent Tying Up
Give additional 30 mL by mouth after every workout or slow work and increase to 50 mL after any hard work (if horses are prone to muscle soreness and tying up).

To Maintain Thirst on Fast Work Days
Give 50 mL NEUTRADEX® over the tongue as soon as possible after very hard or fast exercise to neutralise acid and stimulate drinking.

Race Days
50 mL over the tongue prior to evening meal.

Day After Racing
50 mL over the tongue prior to morning meal.

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